10 Important Reasons for Non-Achievement of Goals of UEE

10 Important Reasons for Non-Achievement of Goals of Universalization of Elementary Education UEE

India is a democratic country and justice, equality and liberty are the guiding principles of our Constitution. You will agree with the opinion that to deprive someone of the right of obtaining education is a gross injustice, and hence, universalization of at least primary education is of prime importance in a democratic and secular country like ours.

Some of the reasons for non-achievement of goals of UEE are as follows-

Population-explosion: In spite of quantitative expansion and network of schools education could not reach the doorsteps of each and every child in the country. The rate of development lagged behind the rate of growth of population. As you know, fast growth of population has created many problems in all walks of our life.

Poverty: For thousands of parents sending the children in school is a luxury which they cannot afford. Their children had to work hard for earning livelihood. Hence, they don’t get their children enrolled in schools. We often see many young children engaged in different types of work.

Agriculture based economy: Due to poverty and in absence of modern technology the parents prefer to engage their children to work in the fields instead of sending them to schools. You might have seen children working in the fields with their parents or even working as laborers.

Communication Gap: In remote, hilly and tribal areas there exists a big communication gap between the Govt. agencies and people. The children living in these areas don’t have easy access to education. Local agencies and NGOs are also not in a position to cater for education in such problematic areas and hence the children have to suffer.

Unemployment: Many parents think that as educated youth are unemployed, there is no point in sending the children to schools. However, you know that this view is not correct and as a teacher you will have to work hard to change this type of negative attitude.

Lack of motivation: Though the government gives incentives to the school going children such as free education, scholarships and other facilities, still proper motivation is lacking among parents to send their children to the school. As a result of lack of motivation, enrolment of children in schools does not increase.

Dropouts, wastage and stagnation: We often experience that even if the children are enrolled in the schools they dropout due to various reasons. The wastage and stagnation are big hurdles in completion of education of children upto the elementary level.

Read Also: Concept and Need of Universalization of Elementary Education | Provisions and Difficulties

Lack of awareness and ignorance: Ignorance about the value of education is curse. In our society, many of the parents don’t realize the importance of education in human life and it is only out of ignorance they don’t get their children enrolled in the schools.

Gender bias: In many States the rate of women literacy is lower than that of male literacy. In many societies gender bias is predominant. We often observe that education is imparted to male child while education of female child is neglected. Instead she has to shoulder the responsibility of helping her mother in routine work and also to look after the younger brother or sister.

Lack of Stability in life: Some tribes and nomads are still homeless and they have to wander from place to place in search of livelihood. Some laborers’ also lack stability in life. Many children are orphans. We can imagine that in all such cases taking education becomes a distant dream.

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