Role and Responsibility of a Teacher To Achieve the Goals of UEE

ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE TEACHERS To Achieve the Goals of Universalization of Elementary Education

As you know role of teacher is very important in smooth running of a school. As is the teacher so will be the school, is an experienced fact. The role of a teacher under RTE Act is as follows:
  • You will have to maintain regularity and punctuality in attending the school.
  • You have to complete entire curriculum within specified time.
  • It will be our duty to assess the learning ability of each child and provide learning opportunities to the child accordingly.
  • You should hold regular meetings with the parents/guardians of the child and apprise them about the overall performance and progress of the child.
  • As a teacher it is your responsibility to extend all types of help to make the child free of fear, trauma and anxiety, you should implement carefully the procedure of comprehensive and continuous evaluation (CCE). You we have to make all efforts to build up child’s knowledge, potentiality and talent and work for development of his/her physical and mental abilities. In short, you are expected to bring about the all round development of the child.
  • If you are committing default in performance of duties then you will be liable to disciplinary action.
  • Performing only the prescribed duties by you may not help to achieve the goals of RTE. You should rather emerge as great supporters of RTE and work as an active agent for the effective implementation of the provisions of RTE Act 2009. You should render our best services to the nation to achieve the goal of cent percent literacy.

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