Curriculum and Evaluation Imperatives


The curriculum of this stage is expected to develop minimum basic skills and attitudes in the children. It will be child-centered and related to day-to-day life of the child. It should be flexible enough to accommodate the needs and requirements of children of different abilities and belonging to varied Socio Economic Status. It is expected to be inclusive and flexible enough, to cater to the requirements of children with special needs. Curriculum will be constructed in conformity with the values enshrined in the RTE Act. It should be helpful in building up child’s knowledge, potentiality and talent. You will agree with the view that the curriculum should promote learning through activities and there should be ample scope for games and sports and organization of the co-curricular activities.

Role and Responsibility of a Teacher To Achieve the Goals of UEF

There shall be no external examination till the completion of elementary education of the child, all children are to be promoted to higher class but this does not mean that you should neglect the evaluation part. A scheme of comprehensive and continuous evaluation (CCE) is to be implemented. You will have to be very careful regarding quality of education. Though there is no pass and fail system, in any case the standard of education should be maintained. As you know, the main aim of education is to bring about all round development of the child. It is our responsibility to build up the child’s knowledge, potentiality and talent. We should take every care to inculcate favourable attitudes and positive values of life in the children. We should also promote various skills, learning through activities and spirit of discovery. We should try our level best to develop physical and mental abilities of children to the fullest extent.

Concept and Need of Universalization of Elementary Education | Provisions and Difficulties

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