Education as a fundamental right | UEE | RTE Act, 2009 | Curriculum and Evaluation Imperatives


You are aware of the fact that education is a key to progress of any country. The main aim of education is to bring about all round development of a child’s personality. According to the census of 2011 the literacy rate in India was 74.04. In some of the states like Kerala the literacy rate was as high as 93.9 while in the state like Bihar it was as low as 63.8 (Percent).

We have already discussed the recommendations of the various commissions and committees regarding education. You have also familiar with the evolution of elementary education curriculum and major implications of NCF 2005. Here, we are going to study, how education has emerged as a fundamental right of children. We shall discuss the provisions of RTE Act 2009

The United Nations issued two important documents as far as rights are concerned. In 1948 it issued a document titled ‘Declaration of Human Rights’ and in 1959 it issued a document titled ‘Declaration of the Rights of the Child. ’ Though we are living in the 21st century we know that thousands and thousands of people are still forced to live in poverty and without any access to modern life. After independence there was a big expansion in the network of education, but in spite of this, several lakhs of children were not enrolled in schools, the rates of dropouts, wastage and stagnation were also very high. In the light of these facts the Indian Parliament has passed the Right to Education Act in August, 2009.
Here, we will study the provisions of this Act and also our role as teachers for achieving the goals of Universalization of Elementary Education


After studying this unit you should be able to:
  • explain the meaning of universalization of elementary education (UEE)
  • discuss the reasons for non-achievement of goals of universalization of elementary education as mentioned in Article 45 of the Constitution of India
  • state the provisions made in the 86th Constitutional Amendment (2002)
  • describe the rights of the child as given in the United Nation’s Declaration on Rights of the Child
  • discuss the Provisions and Rules of the Right to Education Act,2009
  • explain the roles and responsibilities of the teacher in implementing the provisions of the Right to Education Act, 2009
  • explain the evaluation procedures suitable for achieving the goals of RTE
  • explain the role of the stakeholders in implementing the provisions of the RTE Act.

Concept and Need of Universalization of Elementary Education

  • Article 45 of the constitution of India
  • Reasons for non-achievement of goals of UEE
  • 86th Constitutional Amendment
  • Right to education Act (RTE), 2009
  • Rights of the Child
  • Preliminary
  • Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education
  • Duties of the State Government
  • Maintenance of Records
  • Responsibilities of Schools and Teachers
  • School Management Committee
  • Teachers
  • Curriculum and Completion of Elementary Education
  • Protection of Rights of Children.

Here, we have discussed the concept and need of universalization of elementary education which means making available elementary education to every child. In Article 45 of the Constitution of India, provision is made for free and compulsory education for the children in the age group of 6-14 years. This and other constitutional provisions are also reviewed. In the year 2002 the Parliament of India made 86th Constitutional Amendment. Article 21 A was inserted which makes the right of education a fundamental right of the children, in the age group of 6 to 14 years. You have also studied reasons for non- achievement of goals of UEE.
In 1959 the United Nations declared the rights of the child, right to survival, right to name and nationality, right to nutrition, right to expression, right to health and care, right to protection from neglect and exploitation, right to education, right to information, right to protection from abuse and right to recreation are some of the important rights of the child. In 2009, the Parliament passed a historic Act regarding education known as Right to Education Act 2009. We have also studied in detail the provisions of RTE 2009, as well as, the rules framed under this Act.

Considering the fact that education is a concurrent issue, in the last part of this unit, implications of this Act for the Central Govt. and State Govt. are also discussed.

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