Indian Education System: Post Independence Era - A Detail Overview


2.0 Introduction

2.1 Learning Objectives

2.2 Recommendations of Education Commissions / Committees in post independent India

  • 2.2.1 Radhakrishnan Commission (1948-49)
  • 2.2.2 Mudaliyar Commission (1952)
  • 2.2.3 National Committee on Women’s Education,1958: Durgabai Deshmukh Committee
  • 2.2.4 Kothari Commission (1964-66)
  • 2.2.5 Yashpal Committee (1992)

2.3 National Policies on Education (NPEs)

  • 2.3.1 NPE-1968
  • 2.3.2 NPE-1986
  • 2.3.3 Concerns of Elementary Education
  • Draft National Education Policy (2016) by Dr K. Kasturirangan Committee

2.4 Structure of Elementary Education of Eight Years.

2.5 School Curriculum Framework

2.5.1 National Curriculum Framework (NCF), 2005

2.5.2 Implications for Elementary School Curriculum

2.6 Let Us Sum Up

 After independence, the first priority of the free nation was to design education system suitable for the needs of the free country. The constitution of India came into force w. e. f. 26th January, 1950. The constitutional provisions in like Article 45, provided “It shall be the responsibility of the State (Govt.) to provide free and compulsory education to all the children till they attain 14 years of age within 10 years of coming into force of the constitution.”
In this unit you will come across various commissions and committees, appointed by the Government of India to consider different aspects of education and make recommendations for improving educational facilities and to establish effective education system in the country. The main of them are as shown in Figure 2.1, given below.

You will find that the recommendations of these commissions and committees have direct bearing on the policies, structure and development of Indian education system in the modern period. This evolution of Indian education, particularly elementary education is reviewed in this unit.

From time to time, Government of India reviewed the position of Education, particularly elementary education (viz. in 1968, 1986 and in 1992, the NCF 2005, latest is NPE 2016) and formulated policies regarding education. These policies had salutary effect on the process of propagating elementary education. We will review these policies also, in this unit.
  • After going through this unit, you will be able to:
  • analyze the historical significance of the various Education Commissions;
  • explain the unique nature of the recommendations of Kothari Commission;
  • examine the programs recommended by different Commissions for their efficacy;
  • state and explain the salient features of the present educational policy,
  • examine the various goals of education set by different policies for their relevance;
  • explain the contribution of national education policies and their impact on UEE,
  • evaluate the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) of 2005;
  • explain the implications of NCF 2005 and make suggestions for plan of action, and
  • critically examine the structure of elementary education of eight years (5 years primary and 3 years of upper primary).

After having a critical review and discussion on the recommendations of the various Education Commissions and Committees in post independence era, we have learnt from this unit the genesis of the present education system and how it developed. We have seen how the recommendations of Radhakrishnan Commission and Kothari commission influenced the development of education in general and Yashpal Committee specifically elementary education in this country. We have seen how they are reflected in subsequent national policies on education revised from time to time.
Educational policies and progress have been reviewed in the light of the goals of national development and priorities set from time to time. In its resolution on the NPE 1968, an emphasis on quality improvement and a planned, more equitable expansion of educational facilities and the need to focus on the education of girls was stressed. NPE-1986 was formulated which was further updated in 1992. The NPE 1986 provided for a comprehensive policy framework for the development of education up to the end of the century and a Plan of Action (POA) was prepared in 1992, assigning specific responsibilities for organizing, implementing and financing its proposals. After considering all these policy decisions from time to time and the recommendations of Yashpal Committee the entire school structure was modified and a new National Curriculum framework has been developed in 2005, and is being implemented at present in the entire country.

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