School Governance and Management to achieve the goals of RTE

School Governance and Management to achieve the goals of RTE

You should never forget the importance of governance and management of the school. Unless your school is managed in a proper way you will not be able to achieve the goals of RTE. There are many provisions in RTE regarding proper arrangement and governance of the school. It is clearly mentioned in the Act that no school shall be established or recognized unless and until it fulfills all the norms and standards for imparting education effectively. It means the school must have necessary infrastructural and educational facilities.

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Mother is said to be the first teacher of a child, you will appreciate the provision that the management committee of school will consist of at least 50% women and most of the office bearers and members of this committee will be from parents’ category. The Management committee is expected to perform the following functions-
  • Monitor the working of school.
  • Prepare and recommend the school development plan.
  • Monitor the grants received from various sources.
  • Work for the mission of achieving the goals of RTE.
You are expected to assist in the governance of the school. It is joint responsibility of teachers and management of the school to ensure that all eligible children get enrolled in the school and continue to attend the school till they complete elementary education. To prevent irregularity and dropout is a challenge but you can overcome the same by motivating children and parents as well.

Concept and Need of Universalization of Elementary Education | Provisions and Difficulties

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