Showing posts from June, 2019Show all

Education as a fundamental right | UEE | RTE Act, 2009 | Curriculum and Evaluation Imperatives

EDUCATION AS A FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT You are aware of the fact that education is a key to progress of any country. The main aim of education is to bring about all round development of a child’s personality. According to the census of 2011 the literacy rate in India w…

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RTE Act 2009 | Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education - State Rules in Details

RULES OF THE RTE ACT 2009 We have studied the provisions of RTE Act 2009. For actual implementation of the RTE Act some rules are framed which are called the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2009. These rules may vary up to some extent fr…

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Curriculum and Evaluation Imperatives

CURRICULUM AND EVALUATION IMPERATIVES The curriculum of this stage is expected to develop minimum basic skills and attitudes in the children. It will be child-centered and related to day-to-day life of the child. It should be flexible enough to accommodate the ne…

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School Governance and Management to achieve the goals of RTE

School Governance and Management to achieve the goals of RTE You should never forget the importance of governance and management of the school. Unless your school is managed in a proper way you will not be able to achieve the goals of RTE. There are many provisio…

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Role and Responsibility of a Teacher To Achieve the Goals of UEE

ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE TEACHERS To Achieve the Goals of Universalization of Elementary Education As you know role of teacher is very important in smooth running of a school. As is the teacher so will be the school, is an experienced fact. The role of a…

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10 Important Reasons for Non-Achievement of Goals of UEE

10 Important Reasons for Non-Achievement of Goals of Universalization of Elementary Education UEE India is a democratic country and justice, equality and liberty are the guiding principles of our Constitution. You will agree with the opinion that to deprive someon…

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Concept and Need of Universalization of Elementary Education | Provisions and Difficulties

CONCEPT AND NEED OF UNIVERSALIZATION OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION As you know, elementary education caters to the needs of children in the age group of 6-14 years. In general, it includes education from Std. I needs of to Std. VIIIth. (Std. I to V-Lower Primary, Std. …

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Indian Education System: Post Independence Era - A Detail Overview

INDIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM – II 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Learning Objectives 2.2 Recommendations of Education Commissions / Committees in post independent India 2.2.1 Radhakrishnan Commission (1948-49) 2.2.2 Mudaliyar Commission (1952) 2.2.3 National Committee on Wo…

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National Policy of Education (NPE) | Educational Structure, Curriculum Framework

NATIONAL POLICIES ON EDUCATION (NPE) National Policies on Education (NPEs) 1. NPE-1968 2. NPE-1986 3. Concerns of Elementary Education 4. Structure of Elementary Education of Eight Years. 5. School Curriculum Framework 6. National Curriculum Framework (NCF), 2005 7. Im…

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Recommendations of Education commission / Committees in Post Independent India

RECOMMENDATIONS OF EDUCATION COMMISSIONS / COMMITTEES IN POST INDEPENDENT INDIA There are a number of commissions and committees which addressed themselves to the development of education at different stages, in this country. Some of them which had a bearing on element…

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